I've always enjoyed creating comic strips. In fact, one of the reasons I started this blog was to find humor in our culture's obsessive worship of the cult of celebrity. Most of the time celebrity gossip can be amusing, but lately some of it has become downright cruel. I've been working on a comic book over the past few weeks and decided to take a break from it to create a few tragics based on some of the more unscrupulous stories that caught my eye.

Tragic ONE: Madonna
Daily Mail ran a story of no news value except to point out the current state of Madonna's hands. The headline screamed "
She's so vein...Madonna's hands look worse than ever." Of course there appeared the inevitable close-up shot of her "ravaged" hands, and as expected, the photo was enhanced to make her hands look even worse than they really are.

Tragic TWO: Melanie Griffith
It must have been a slow week for Star magazine back in May. Melanie Griffith made the grave error of running errands on a warm summer day while wearing shorts which exposed the wrinkles on her knees. Some paps caught her and the photo appeared in Star along with, yep you guessed it, a close-up shot of the scandalous wrinkled knee. "Melanie Griffith isn't looking as toned and taut as usual. What's up?" asked Star. Oh, and it gets worse. A full-page photo of Melanie's age-spotted and sagging face is shown along with a plastic surgeon's recommendation for her to get face lift, eye job and chemical peel to "bring her face back to life." Hasn't she had enough cosmetic surgery? Don't encourage her.

Tragic THREE: Demi Moore
Father Time has magically erased all the $500,000 work Demi Moore had done on her face and now she looks like a 44 year old woman. Oh yeah, she is 44. I suppose the recent Daily Mail article pointing out Demi's "complexion marked heavily with wrinkles" serves as bitter pill to those hoping to fight off the aging process. The brutal truth is, there's nothing you can do to stop it. Sure, you can get a nip and tuck here and there to freshen up, but gravity takes no prisoners.
Comic: Geriatric Hotness
The Daily Mail enjoys poking barbs at female celebrities over 40, but isn't it interesting how they find old geezer male celebrities to look "fresh faced"? Does "fresh faced" mean having so much plastic surgery that you end up looking like a cross between the Joker and Mickey Rourke like poor old Billy Crystal here? Didn't they happen to notice his hair looks like a dandelion? Well, I sure did. They point out Madonna's veins and Demi's crow's feet, so why not dish on Billy Crystal's see-thru hair? And Clint Eastwood? I like both these guys, but I would hardly call them "fresh faced". Clint's face may have undergone industrial-strength plastic surgery, but he still can't escape the fact he looks like the crypt keeper. Lesson of The Day: Women showing signs of aging should be ashamed of themselves. Men over 60 with clownish plastic surgery should be celebrated for their fresh faces. Medium: ink and graphite on paper, digital text.
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