Mickey Rourke appeared recently in Star magazine's Stars: Are They NORMAL or NOT feature. From what I gathered, it's NORMAL for Nicole Richie to order a few In-N-Out burgers from the drive-thru, it's NORMAL for Gavin Rossdale to buy vegetables from a farmers' market, and it's NORMAL for Jake Gyllenhaal to read a newspaper. However, it is NOT NORMAL for Mickey Rourke to have a pompadour. They said Mickey was "sporting a greased-up pompadour 'do" along side a photo of his skyscraping swirling mass of hair. I hope Mickey stays NOT NORMAL because that's how I like him. No one else in Hollywood can pull off a pompadour the way he does. Medium: Ink on paper, photoshop.
Mickey Rourke is the most talented, underrated actors in the industry. When he was hot. He was hotter than anything around now. Even with his face restructuring he is an extremely sexy man. He is always dating hot models everywhere he goes.
Posted by: prb | January 13, 2008 at 07:53 PM
Okay, you're right. Upon looking above I do see you expressing your fondness for Rourke. And I do think you are a very talented artist. I guess I just saw the comments left by other people and some of the trashy gossip links to the side and jumped the gun. It's just the internet is just such a hot bed of cruelty and at that moment it was getting to me. Plus as I'm sure you know you search for Rourke and you get alot of people saying a lot of unkind things about the guys appearance. Now where's my pompadour gel?
Posted by: Dustin | April 08, 2007 at 09:05 PM
Dustin honey, I love Mickey Rourke. I love his pompador. No, I don't snicker and throw up when I see people's wrinkles. Why would you accuse me of using my artistic skill to mock people's physical appearances? I draw what I see - if you see "mocking" in my art, then that's your own twisted interpretation and I suggest you seek counseling.
I draw celebrity gossip, NOT the celebrity themselves.
Posted by: 14 | April 05, 2007 at 02:30 PM
Mickey Rourke had plastic surgery because of his boxing career. He did not due it out of vanity. Does it really make you proud to use your artistic skill to mock people's physical appearance and encourage other's to do the same? How about your family or the woman at the grocery store? Do you snicker and throw up every time you look at their wrinkles and imperfections? What a boring world if we all looked the same.
Posted by: Dustin | April 05, 2007 at 12:53 PM
Ya know,..everyone has something to say about Mickey's face. I love it,no matter what. If anyone cared to find out,there are reasons to what happened to him. They may not be ones you understand or agree with,but they're his reasons. He tried a few surgical things before he turned to boxing the second time,and when his face was more or less crushed on one side,he attempted to have it repaired. A very untalented surgeon destroyed his face instead of returning it to it's former beauty. Yet,still,I see that beauty. Give the man a break,he's trying to live again. And I am right with him. If I met him,I'd hug him in an instant. Too pany people are afraid of him,..I'm not.Screw the person who said the comment about his face looking like Cat food,..she's probably ugly anyway.
Posted by: WHiskey.River | September 13, 2006 at 01:34 AM
Great work on the Paris Doll, as for someone who has to suffer on daily basis the engrish in japan!..u have done a great job...although I still dont get "why people are so into her"...i guess people just love to hate her!
Posted by: Claudia | August 15, 2006 at 09:39 AM
Except, perhaps, Conan...
Posted by: Florence | July 24, 2006 at 10:59 AM
Love The Mick...He's always made a tall-hair statement and looked cool doing it; I'm waiting for he and Chris Walken to start a Salon someday or at least star in another film together, anyway!
Posted by: Devin | July 18, 2006 at 03:16 PM
Star Trek: The Next Generation obviously ripped off Mickey's look for some of their aliens. Those eyebrow bumps look very alienesque n'est-ce pas?
Posted by: ffleur | July 11, 2006 at 11:00 PM
Call me Freakboy, but methinks he's rockin' the pompadour. As for the mug...
I love Mick like I love habanero peppers. But a man shouldn't actually physically resemble one, y'know? That said, he can still act rings around pantywaists like Cruise and Pitt any day of the year.
Posted by: Viper Tetsu | July 11, 2006 at 04:58 PM
Oh ye Gods!!
Mickey, Mickey, Mickey...I had such the crush on you in 9 1/2 weeks. I have no idea how to feel about him now. He's a great actor, and yet... odd. Not in a delightfully odd kind of way...just kinda reaching 'scary-odd'.
He cut off a little finger? I'll have to look in on this.
Posted by: Morrigan | July 10, 2006 at 05:39 PM
Too bad the reports of him cutting of his little finger were too late to be included. Yikes, what a freakazoid.
Posted by: Liquid | July 10, 2006 at 12:01 PM
Leathery, ain't he? One of these days he's gonna whip that mask off and reveal the alien within. Who's normal NOW?
Posted by: Andy Rooney | July 10, 2006 at 10:57 AM
The man had killer looks when he was young.
It is a shame how creepy and sleazy he looks. You have captured this so well.
Demon Kitty
Posted by: Demon Kitty | July 10, 2006 at 10:34 AM
Man, you are SO good!!!!
Incidentally, I do remember thinking, "is it really NORMAL for Nicole to order food she will not eat?"
Posted by: Madame M | July 10, 2006 at 08:16 AM
Even in his younger days Mickey Rourke gave me the creeps. Now he's even more YIKES.
In your depiction of him he looks to be doing his worst Robert Deniro "you lookin at me?".......
Posted by: DonnaJEM | July 10, 2006 at 08:10 AM
wow—what's with celebs and greasy, dirty, grossness lately? icky.
i've been loving the imagination and whimsy behind the celeb animal cartoons, but this is the type of work that keeps me beholden to your site.
Posted by: ab | July 09, 2006 at 08:11 PM
He sure looks Michael Jackson creepy, but what an actor he is. Barfly is one of my favorite movies.
Posted by: Doug | July 09, 2006 at 04:09 PM
My only response is: LOL! :D
Posted by: Long Island Irish | July 09, 2006 at 01:32 PM