Just about every week, you'll find tabloid headlines pointing out the latest star wasting away to bones. Photos document the skeleton du jour's hasty descent from healthy and robust to frail and thin. The photos are shocking, not because the women are so thin....but because their heads are so HUGE compared to their stick-like bodies. Nicole Richie, Teri Hatcher, and Christina Ricci have collaberated to create a guilt-free snack that is causing a sensation in Hollywood. These NO calorie, NO fat Hollypops are the perfect meal for the gal who just can't seem to get thin enough. Three mouthwatering flavors, Lettuce, Water, and Espresso are sure to satisfy your appetite and sooth your hunger pangs. Medium: Gouache on Paper
PS: Sorry I was gone for so long. I fell into a roiling pit of hedonism and then got dragged through the burning embers of catharsis. I'm back now!
Well played my dear, well played indeed...
Perhaps a fourth flavour should be added to go with the new Kate Bosworth lollypop? I'm thinking cigarette.
Love the work 14, Kudous.
Posted by: Miss insanity | October 15, 2006 at 11:48 PM
throw these chicks a smartie! omg
Posted by: | May 22, 2006 at 08:05 PM
Christina Richie is far from annorexic. The other two are freaky.
Posted by: fafs | May 19, 2006 at 08:54 PM
please feed those boney bitches!
Posted by: madamemedeasmilk | December 10, 2005 at 09:38 AM
The stick's too thick though! :)
Posted by: Fug. | December 01, 2005 at 06:47 AM
*yay* You're back... and with yet another masterpiece!
Teri Hatcher is too scary for words. Yikes.
Posted by: Madame M | November 19, 2005 at 06:09 PM
Excelent as usual. I really like the border--it has a nice Dr. Seuss/Jim Woodring quality to it.
Posted by: Sophist | November 19, 2005 at 03:56 PM
haha me want candy... for a brief second there i thought you might had done desperate houseflies :)
Posted by: jmh | November 18, 2005 at 06:13 AM
gosh I remember Christina Ricci back when she had actual curves, the type you see on normal folk. Had to have a quick giggle at Teri Hatcher, sometimes she looks great, other times she looks weird! As for Nicole, wow what can I say, can someone please give her a slice of cake the next time they see her, please.
Great pics 14, as per usual.
Posted by: Damien | November 17, 2005 at 04:20 PM
welcome back!! great artwork as usual! love it!!
Posted by: Sylvie | November 17, 2005 at 01:03 AM
You are brilliant. That expression on Teri's face just sent a chill through me.
Nicole used to be so cute when she was normal-sized.
I hope you will do one with Katie Holmes and capture that vacant, abducted look she has lately walking around in that white cape. But whatever you do is just, always, pure brilliance.
Posted by: anonymous | November 16, 2005 at 07:18 PM
Carr, I think that Celion Dion is part of the wafer pack, not the Hollypops. She fits in with Lara Flynne Boyle, who has always been skinny.
Posted by: midevil | November 16, 2005 at 08:56 AM
3 words: Teri Hatcher's nose! You got it! I've always wondered why it's like that, but kudos to the woman for not seeing any need to surgeon's to correct it. Or wait, is it the result of botched up cosmetic surgery? lol
Posted by: cherise | November 16, 2005 at 12:07 AM
You are a Master! Their facial expressions you capture are priceless.
They look so hollow in their eyes, artificial and medicated (left to right):
Pepto Bismol
Posted by: ralph | November 15, 2005 at 10:40 PM
Glad you're back! I was afraid that Madonna got ya!
Posted by: Christi | November 15, 2005 at 08:14 PM
I love you so much!
Posted by: Miss Hollywood | November 15, 2005 at 07:47 PM
This one is too good to be true, 14. You are magnificent, and should you need company in that roiling pit of hedonism, you know where to find me, I am always ready to be cleansed by the fires of some kick-ass catharsis.
Posted by: T in NYC | November 15, 2005 at 05:25 PM
Is it buy 3 get 1 free? You forgot Celine Dion. ;p
Love your artwork, btw.
Posted by: Carr | November 15, 2005 at 12:39 PM
I love every one of these paintings! They remind me of the Wacky Packages I enjoyed as a kid- your parodies are superb. Bravo!
Posted by: Paul Capello | November 15, 2005 at 10:36 AM
you really captured teri's alien aura. she scares me.
Posted by: lmj | November 15, 2005 at 09:29 AM
Aunt Beep loves 14!!!
it was well worth the wait! :)
Posted by: Aunt Beep | November 15, 2005 at 07:35 AM
It's sad that I am 5'1" and 118 lbs. and a size 5...compared to these girls I am an overweight heffer. Who makes these people think they look good? Do they work out in a gym that adds 10 lbs to the scales (like in Dodgeball?) and have distored mirrors on the walls in front of the dumbells?
Posted by: Tara S. | November 15, 2005 at 07:33 AM
Ultimate bighead -- Angelina Jolie. Her torso is long and somewhat evens it out, but any favorable impression is dispelled when you look at her elongated alien arms in relation to that Leatherface head. Heroin'll do that to ya, I guess. It was funnier when she was with Billy Bob Thornton, whose head looks like a Haitian witch doctor has been pickling it in brine.
Where do you even SEE Christina Ricci these days? She used to be in 26 films a year.
Posted by: Michael | November 15, 2005 at 03:00 AM
Last week was painful without your art. I never understood the collective masturbation over Terry Hatcher.
Viper Tetsu is right. Nicole Richie looks like Graf Orlock.
So much Love,
Demon Kitty
Posted by: Demon Kitty | November 14, 2005 at 10:22 PM
So sad because it's so true. Shocking that this is what is passing for "beauty" in Hollywood/Southern California and NYC. Great job.
Posted by: | November 14, 2005 at 09:53 PM
I've noticed that too. way out of proportion
Posted by: Jason | November 14, 2005 at 09:03 PM
holy crapp....i thought teri hatcher was micheal jackson, so i was wondering wtf for a sec, but after i read i was laughing so hard! SO HAPPY UR BACK, dont go for that long again
Posted by: zohoe | November 14, 2005 at 06:59 PM
And let's not forget that complementary line of Hollywood skeleton snacks... Kneebles. In FACT... the deluxe version of your Hollypops could have jaw-breakers, impaled, about midway down the stick to represent those gargantuan-scaled knee caps. How does one know when one is thin enough??? Your KNEECAPS are wider than your THIGHS!
Posted by: Manuela | November 14, 2005 at 03:39 PM
Tiniest. PS. Ever.
Posted by: Sonia | November 14, 2005 at 02:24 PM
Not to beat a dead horse, but frickin' BRILLIANT! The only flavor missing (besides cocaine) is stomach bile. You got the saddle-sized bags underneath Teri's eyes with customary skewering sharpness, too.
Man, it's hard to believe that the pasty spectre on Desperate Housewives is the same winsome brunette that used to be Lois Lane. And Christina Ricci just hammers home how it's possible to love an actress and still be deeply, horribly unsettled by her appearance (God, is her head massive now that she's starved herself).
As for Nicole Richie, she looks like Graf Orlok from Nosferatu in a fancy blond wig.
Your cute li'l skellies in the corners could be on T-shirts, they're so cool. Especially the one on the lower right. ME WANT CANDY!!
Posted by: Viper Tetsu | November 14, 2005 at 02:14 PM
Glad you're back! I love your work, you always hit the nail right on the head! This "desperate housewife" feels much better now. Thanks again.
Posted by: angie | November 14, 2005 at 11:19 AM
Excellent 14!
I think by far that Terri Hatcher is the scarriest. Mostly because she's old enough to know better. I saw a picture of her jogging. Where does the energy come from to jog, when she's obviously not eating?
Some men are totally loving it though. I've heard it straight from some of them that they LOVE a woman who looks fragile, as though she needs protecting.
What a bunch of bullshit.
Posted by: DonnaJEM | November 14, 2005 at 10:59 AM
I scan 'em at 300 dpi using Photoshop, then reduce to 72. I painted this using gouache. It's a difficult medium because it's so chalky and thick...but it makes the painting look like candy and that's what I was going for.
Yep. this will be hanging in a Beveryly Hills gallery sometime in December, but I'm not sure of the name. Details escape me at times. : )
Posted by: 14 | November 14, 2005 at 10:50 AM
Meow <3
Do you scan into photoshop or illustrator? :) I can't get some of my lines as crisp as yours :p
Posted by: | November 14, 2005 at 09:43 AM
what, no cocaine flavor?...damn. :)
Posted by: Dawn (webmiztris) | November 14, 2005 at 09:28 AM
Haha, if any of these celebs see these pix they'll probably freak out and try to diet their heads away...or are they just filled with nothing but air anyway....Hmmm.
Could you do one with Tom Cruise's head as a hot air balloon? That's all he's filled with anyway.....When you're such a nutjob that even the Nutjobs at the Scientology HQ are like, "Dude...We don't want you as the face of our crazy cult because you are like Crazy to the power of 10," You know you have a problem!
Posted by: TheIdleReceptionist | November 14, 2005 at 09:17 AM
LOVE it! The pale pink and green is mouthwatering...and I love how Teri is kinda Morticia-like, next to Christina.
I do love Christina, poor little thing. I wish she'd start eating again.
Is this one going in a gallery?
Posted by: Knuckles McGillicutty | November 14, 2005 at 09:07 AM
lol that's funny but it's kind of sad too. Christina Ricci used to be so nice looking--she used to look exactly like my cousin. Now she looks like a human lolly pop, it's really a shame what Hollywood can do to people.
We need more Christy Ally's in show business! Okay she was fat but at least she was different from all these want-to-be beauty- queens and I think she's better looking than any of them on her WORST day while they're on their best!
Posted by: Long Island Irish | November 14, 2005 at 08:18 AM
Roiling pit of hedonism followed by the burning embers of catharsis?
Hey, we all need a little R&R every now and then. No worries . . . assuming you skipped the acid bath of guilt.
Posted by: Bragan | November 14, 2005 at 08:07 AM
freaking genius!!!!
Posted by: julie | November 14, 2005 at 07:30 AM
glad you're back :)
Posted by: toasted | November 14, 2005 at 06:54 AM
I dig the cute skeleton in the corner.
Posted by: kate | November 14, 2005 at 03:14 AM
I'm first!
Very nice. G'day from Australia!
Posted by: anon! | November 14, 2005 at 12:59 AM
it is scary how disproportionate these women look in pictures isn't it? another one with the HUGE head to body ratio - joan allen. you just want to hand her a sandwich or something..
Posted by: mm | November 13, 2005 at 11:31 PM